- Let's try that again – dinner with Jason, take 2! http://post.ly/1jqHr #
- Uptown vacation breakfast http://post.ly/1jr4h #
- Groupon wine arrived! http://post.ly/1jut6 #
- Hannie likes to get in the kitchen drawer http://post.ly/1jwpy #
- Susan and the magical elephant of Bunco http://post.ly/1jwrO #
- Bunco!! (No, I haven't gotten one yet) http://post.ly/1jwt2 #
- Susan is an intense score-keeper http://post.ly/1jxgr #
- I let Susan braid my hair. We are adults. http://post.ly/1jy0D #
- A is for awesome!! (or Amy) http://post.ly/1jy3R #
- @bitofcyn well, I didn't win or lose at bunko, so apparently it was a pretty tame night 🙂 maybe next time! in reply to bitofcyn #