- Today is the best day of the year: cat show day!! #
- Huevos Luceros. A-maz-ing. http://t.co/V25siv79 #
- It's time to go to the cat show! #
- I want all the kitties!! #catshow #
- Favorite cat: American curl. Prettiest cat: Egyptian Mau. Most adoptable cats: Burmese, Abyssinian, Birman. #catshow #
- I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/2V6NioS9 Bertine & Zach's wedding procession #
- I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/OhH2rwjB Go, Pokes! #
- How did it get to be bedtime already? Weekend being over is boring. #
- I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/imcC0FXX Vulcanus Rex knights the Prince of Replacement (cat show) Ju #
- I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/K2HoqLEM Rise, Sir Mica! #