Amy @pork_CHOP
Minneapolis |

14:30 i haven’t really left my bed yet today. i need to go grocery shopping but i don’t wanna. #

15:54 ok i’m going to the grocery store. i’ve made a list. #

16:55 wow. i should’ve taken before/after photos of my fridge. did some serious damage at the grocery store. #

18:02 experimenting with cold-brew coffee. will report results in about 13 hours. #

18:29 so cold so cold this apartment is so cold #

19:05 going to kristi’s to watch "la vie en rose." a weekend full of movies! #

22:26 captions on "la vie en rose" were too small so we watched "in the bedroom." snoozeville. #

23:29 i have almost 600 photos on my phone. wow #

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5:10am 30 Mar 2009