February 2021
I made a meal plan for the week… time to order delivery! pic.twitter.com/LRMAWbHJva
What can I do to get through this last slog of Minnesota winter? The answer: I can reminisce about places I’ve been…
I think I’m beyond burned out by ~all of this~ pic.twitter.com/K939s5qtJV
Tonight, as I worry about my darling Siamese and grow more and more weary with every moment, I miss being young and…
My Siamese needs to wear a cone of shame for two weeks. We are about 12 hours in and I’m not sure if I hate it more or if he does.
@mellowbeing 🤘 Yoast is a great resource!
@mellowbeing Oof! Quite the undertaking!
@mellowbeing This summary aligns with everything I think I know about filename SEO: tutorialspoint.com/seo/seo-releva…
@mellowbeing I do it for image files, too! Better readability for robots?
@mellowbeing I’m not sure if this is current, but I understood hyphens to be better separators than underscores.
Excited to be the 5,684th 🐦 on @BackerKit for Bird Buddy: A Smart Bird Feeder. Thanks @BirdBuddy_ bird-buddy.backerkit.com/community_shar…
All of my “lady” scented shower accoutrements have left me smelling like a cup of tea this morning. 🫖
Happily discovered delivery breakfast from @HellsKitchenMN this morning. I ate my burrito too fast to document but…
@jeana_with_a_j oh, to be free of worrying about supporintg non-modern browsers! wouldn’t that be something? 🤪 (mos…
Discussing with my colleagues now, and we have a lot of questions, but so far we’ve landed on potato-growing-in-spa…
I know I used to troubleshoot my websites in IE6 but today I am troubleshooting in IE11 and why won’t people stop u…
Restaurants not offering delivery anymore because indoor dining reopened: that really sucks. pic.twitter.com/2dKKgRPUSQ
RT @dmbdmr: Which is the worst situation? Please RT for reach. Your boss thinks you:
(see next tweet for more explanation)
Recommended: take off the holidays your partner gets to take off.
[image description: we’re pretending it’s an ext…
Me: [reading and answering the #ValentinesDayChallenge questions with @IsItTheGenes]
Me: okay, that’s the Valentine…
Am I officially a Trader Joe’s person if part of my product sampling shopping list includes my kitties in the testi…
Websites: surely there must be some other way to make income aside from splashing an unbearable amount of ads acros…
@missycovington “I heard grandpa on my transitory radio…” a la Cloud Cult
My WordPress sites are getting an insane amount of spam from Joe Miller and if you watched Broadchurch you know why…
“Did we win?” asked the kitties never… only a couple startled wake ups from raucous hootin’ and hollerin’ (on the…
I wanna go to the Australia Zoo plz
Losing Steve Irwin made me sad, but I’m so glad that the Irwin family carries on. Honestly just felt so much joy se…
RT @MurryMits: I’m sick of the covid fear narrative “you can’t be afraid forever”. It’s not fear that keeps me isolated/ social distancing…
@els8383 @ms_ericaaaaa Yum! All of the variations sound so good! Stores will be running out of cherry tomatoes. ☺️