April 2016
Ready to drink a gallon of coffee. Who’s with me? #beforecon https://t.co/KMrNA0C9Hb
RT @moonstrips: Friday Tip: Change your calendar typeface to Wingdings and just live it up. pic.twitter.com/YKiHDBzqCO
RT @moonstrips: Friday Tip: Change your calendar typeface to Wingdings and just live it up. https://t.co/YKiHDBzqCO
@up_my_aly it’s so weird when it’s just like *boom* you’re done!
@up_my_aly it’s so weird when it’s just like *boom* you’re done!
@up_my_aly I was just sitting here knitting & fine then all of a sudden I’m ready to go to bed.
@up_my_aly I was just sitting here knitting & fine then all of a sudden I’m ready to go to bed.
It occurs to me that I may have asked the drive-thru guy at Wendy’s if they had strawberry McFrosties…
It occurs to me that I may have asked the drive-thru guy at Wendy’s if they had strawberry McFrosties…
A new corner office for the social team 😉
#BTStenacious #beforecon instagram.com/p/BEwXgfwG04p/
A new corner office for the social team 😉
#BTStenacious #beforecon instagram.com/p/BEwXgfwG04p/
Why you’re doing what you do won’t change, but how you get those things done will. @ThomasBlackwell at #beforecon pic.twitter.com/IShtxnLKOi
Why you’re doing what you do won’t change, but how you get those things done will. @ThomasBlackwell at #beforecon https://t.co/IShtxnLKOi
“Why do you keep pens that don’t work?” Guilty. Learning the START method to get organized with @ElizabethHagen at #beforecon
“Why do you keep pens that don’t work?” Guilty. Learning the START method to get organized with @ElizabethHagen at #beforecon
Spending the next two days in this gorgeous building for #beforecon – an amazing space for many… instagram.com/p/BEv_DFmG06v/
Spending the next two days in this gorgeous building for #beforecon – an amazing space for many… instagram.com/p/BEv_DFmG06v/
#teamtenacious is headed to #beforecon, cozy in the backseat of @alymaehoo’s car! instagram.com/p/BEvqUUhG04e/
#teamtenacious is headed to #beforecon, cozy in the backseat of @alymaehoo’s car! instagram.com/p/BEvqUUhG04e/
Looking forward to seeing everyone at #beforecon in just a couple hours!
Looking forward to seeing everyone at #beforecon in just a couple hours!
@rachmariepr @tenaciousssam ahh! i almost forgot. soap operas > porn
@rachmariepr @tenaciousssam ahh! i almost forgot. soap operas > porn
best goofy moment: @rachmariepr walked into upstairs at @tena_cious. i liked her shoes, @Amanda_Zib liked her tank, then we all applauded.
best goofy moment: @rachmariepr walked into upstairs at @tena_cious. i liked her shoes, @Amanda_Zib liked her tank, then we all applauded.
Who wants to stay up all night knitting, binge watching Girls, and shirking responsibility? ✋
Who wants to stay up all night knitting, binge watching Girls, and shirking responsibility? ✋
@ivanstegic lol, I think I accept dm’s from everyone too 🙂
@ivanstegic lol, I think I accept dm’s from everyone too 🙂
@advicepig agree! Can be overwhelming so need to remember to start small 🙂