December 2014
10 minutes til NY ball drop on TV. @IsItTheGenes got up from sofa. Me: “Bring back some juice in champagne flutes… Or water.”
RT @KyleChicoine: @nikibrown Nice one! I guess I will pass it along as well. 😉
Listening to a knitting podcast. Gal is slowly rambling about projects she’s working on. I am not sure this is as fun as being at my LYS.
.@meeterica reminds me of……p>
Ugh, ICEE hangover.
Into the Woods is so good! Can’t wait for the soundtrack. Every thought rolling through my brain is in song.
Sunrise in St. Paul / Sunset in Minneapolis
@MyLittleBloggie maybe it’s a good day for one of your famous tours…
a photo from one of the hotels i booked tonight. i can barely stand the wait!
just booked three hotels for the ol’ honeymoon. SO EXCITED for the adventure!
i’m done with today. 26 days ’til honeymoon in key west. still need to book a hotel.
maybe it’s not just me. maybe everyone is a little crunchy today? maybe we should all take naps right now.
when you didn’t sleep well & another dev did something to your computer & now stuff is broken & of course they are still on vacay
RT @patiomensch: RT if you don’t know what’s going on or where you are.
@amandaesque i should move all of those items into favorites 🙂
@amandaesque i think queue may have existed before favorites – i used to use it as a sort of pattern bookmark, but don’t really use it now.
@amandaesque i have ravelry ocd because i do try to post a meaningful wrap-up on my blog when i finish a project – rav helps me keep notes!
@amandaesque oh, i figured that out from your list of classy yarns on the project actually 🙂
@amandaesque ooooooh i just looked at your ravelry queue. looks like a delicious project! may the knitting force be with you.
am pretty sick of minneapolis’s ridiculous commuters and the hurry they all seem to be in. slow down. let’s not wreck each other’s cars.
tailgated so close this am, was almost bullied to run red light; no room to stop! SUV pulled to the left (oncoming traffic lane) to pass me.
Can I cancel the rest of the year so I can knit? I have so many projects to work on. (And cast on a new one tonight.)
“@HistoricalPics: Kids, this is how we texted in the 80s.” cc @ruralgrrrl
@amandaesque so many people visit yarn store complaining about not having enough yarn. “Did you gauge swatch?” “What’s that?” #facepalm