April 2014
Can’t believe people hire the #PropertyBrothers and don’t know how their show works.
Officially official! I’ll be marrying @IsItTheGenes in four months! 😀
RT @eryno: DEVS! If you own one UX book, make it @skrug‘s “Don’t Make Me Think”. $10 deal of the week: peachpit.com/deals/ Seriously, buy it.
Progress Report: 101 goals in 1001 days wp.me/pCoBp-adcty
just learned that trying to close a break tag (like </br>) will break php smarty templates. more coffee.
My neighborhood is so waterlogged that ducks were hanging out this morning. And the forecast for the next five days is all rain.
I bought a really huge umbrella! instagram.com/p/nVUF5nm0y_/
The way this rain is going, we’re well on our way to having lake-front property! instagram.com/p/nTVil2m0-U/
Ampersand loves testing the warmth of my knitting projects. instagram.com/p/nTKhEVm05J/
Neighborhood daffodil instagram.com/p/nQueElm05N/
Red lights killing weekend buzz.
zero hours to the weekend! yay! i’ll be napping in approximately 45 minutes.
just over 2 hours to go. i am trying so hard to keep my head in the game…
almost only 3 more hours! am i too excited for a free weekend? maybe.
RT @whitneyhess: Beautiful @stellargirl on how getting comfortable with creating “crap” is essential to the creative process stellargirl.com/dont-get-attac…
RT @thrym: Handy CSS selector primer! qwertypants.github.io/cssSelectors/ (via @_qwertypants and @iamdevloper )
RT @kjtten: Ah, word. “@toddodowd: Via kid president tmblr.co/ZcpRsu1E3GJ8H http://t.co/8TcpscJ9bo”
RT @MacCocktail: Amusing for wine lovers –> @winewankers: What your #wine says about you! http://t.co/Oimo77HSfv
you guys! 6 hours!
Today I’m counting down the hours until a weekend with NO PLANS, except for a tentative 48-hour nap. 8 to go.
If I want to stay up all night playing Pet Rescue Saga, shouldn’t that be my choice?
Early to meet my knitting group @ Mountain Mudd Espresso-New Hope, MN instagram.com/p/nMRxnCG013/
I’m for making HTML emails clean&legible. It’s cool that some clients will support video, but I would be irritated to get that message.
RT @mparkerbyrd: HTML for email HAS changed since 1995. We just used an HTML5 video background in an email last week. #mpeis litmus.com/blog/how-to-co…
@B_Knowles I’ve always got your mad skillz in mind! Thanks for the offer & I’ll keep you posted 🙂