February 2014
trying box-sizing: border-box; and it’s not working right. 2 inline-block divs: 25% width & 75% width; not fitting container. why not?
random ice cream party on a friday afternoon? don’t mind if i do. #mprlife
@dreamwell_ali i just blogged about it! hope it helps (if you still need it?)
Using a JSON object’s array as a JS variable wp.me/pCoBp-adct0
@amandaesque nooo! why didn’t you say hi?
@localcelebrity i’m still sorta ‘fresh’ at this office, so it’s just great that they’ve been so patient & helpful! it’s a happy friday.
who drank all of my coffee?
twitter: my coworkers are so awesome. thought you should know.
Ellipses jumped into a box that still had styrofoam padding then seemed to immediately regret it. instagram.com/p/k9ggN2m06b/
Only problem with finishing my bus knitting project is needing to figure out what the next bus project… instagram.com/p/k8Z-pkG0xl/
@StanGrabowski i’ve used jsonlint.com ~100 times today just to make sure i’ve written it right! now if i could use it right…
@HEY_GERMANO i will email you! i am SO CLOSE yet so far
no one wants to help me figure out my silly json project today 🙁
help: how to traverse json data to use specific object’s internal array as a js variable? it’s gotta be possible.
Two days ’til Spring wp.me/pCoBp-adcsY
today i decided that i didn’t need to buy fancy coffee because weddings are expensive.
Thought I might finishing a project tonight, then applied I-cord edging happened.
Picking up and knitting is the pits.
14N bus consistently 20 minutes late & jam-packed full. This driver is sliding through stops. Maybe the bus drivers all need a vacation.
94D bus blocked by train! Wild!
this is way awesome: color.hailpixel.com (mostly i love finding all the variety of swatch-making options)
RT @dreamwell_ali: @pork_chop @bertine Better add more. No such thing as too many cat pictures.
Email opens on mobile rise to 55% – only 28% of companies are optimizing their messages for mobile. po.st/D8mg8F via @eMarketer
RT @hoverbird: Everybody thinks “The Social Network” is the best movie about forming a new startup, but they are wrong. The best movie is “Ghostbusters”.
Twin Cities bus riders are getting fiesty: “Like Linux, urban public transportation is a bargain if your time is worth little.”
Customer appreciation day at ABC ramps in Mpls! Free cookie! I love free cookies. @ ABC Ramp – Ramp B instagram.com/p/k4aRe_G00F/
.@bertine and i are concerned that we might not have enough cats in our slides for @MinneWebCon. #catladyproblems
Meeting with @bertine to work on our @MinneWebCon slides tonight. I hope it reinforces my confidence about knowing how to do web things.