January 2014
RT @MinneWebCon: Here’s some great Friday news: MinneWebCon 2014 registration is OPEN! minnewebcon2014.eventbrite.com
Progress Report: 101 Goals in 1001 Days wp.me/pCoBp-adcsB
helpful to create the html file you’re trying to append. … what is wrong with my brain today?
couldn’t get my css file to link up then i dropped half my breakfast biscuit into my coffee. this friday is canceled.
Might just go to bed right here. instagram.com/p/j0TQZfG04B/
This bus driver is strangely chipper but he has also had enough of idiot drivers. I have had enough of being on the bus. 1.5 hours…
Is it just that the 4pm bus is more popular than the 4:30 bus or are there more people riding now? 2nd day of standing room only.
🙁 🙁 🙁 “@CuteOverload: RIP to the one and only Colonel Meow. 🙁
cuteoverload.com/2014/01/30/thi… http://t.co/nvqxcE7JPg”
Pick your favorite front-end tools!: sideproject.io/vote-for-your-…
also: i’m happy that my awesome front-end dev friend, @bertine, is presenting with me at @MinneWebCon in april!
hey, i’m on the list! awesome! RT @MinneWebCon Take a gander at the 2014 roster of speakers. We’re excited! minnewebcon.org/schedule/
Skyway blankets – photos don’t do justice to how amazing these are. instagram.com/p/jzBYOBG00U/
thx, @Caribou_Coffee! I already visit you as a personal reward for dealing w/ bad weather but I love it when you make the reward nicer.
Becoming a snow-woman while waiting for the bus instagram.com/p/jy1kWIm03Q/
Always snowing instagram.com/p/jy0-npG02m/
This is what you see when you wonder what’s dripping on you outside of the library. @ Minneapolis… instagram.com/p/jxSaMoG03H/
RT @WFMU: ‘The Shining’ Twins, All Growed Up: http://t.co/M1T90LHiEa ht @kubrick_fan
No #SOTU for Sio and me. We are watching Princess Diaries. instagram.com/p/jvHmShm0–/
Someone plz deliver @GlamDollDonuts sriracha/peanut butter to me in Robbinsdale kthx #craving
@bertine for Zach RT @WeTheColorBlind: Reasons why I hate pie charts http://t.co/OzGxJNAOqM
Cat in the background of the webinar speaker’s camera: yes, please! #crazycatlady
@amyliz2323 🙂 MT @estellevw: TIL: jiggle your left arm wildly while in an elevator, Fitbit will credit you with several flights of stairs.
i really did intend to go for a long-ish walk before another 2-hour sitting marathon… my pedometer is judging me.
The Top Coast Festival: Big Ideas, New Solutions – coming this May! #TopCoast mprnews.org/topcoast
Slippery drive and I haven’t reached highway yet. Shoulda stayed home.
RT @moonstrips: Should we be refusing to support old email clients in the hopes of pushing email standards forward? I’m not so sure… blog.webtype.com/?p=3948
Facebook update: “choose who you want to see in your newsfeed.” Me: uh, everyone I’m friends with?