September 2013
No one has pow-wows anymore? Haven’t the writers of #sleepyhollow ever been to South Dakota?
Weaving in the ends suuuucks.
well, i hope nothing bad happens to my computer in the next 5 hours. turning off anti-virus software = exponentially faster vm
RT @avonelleL: Current motivation level: 10. Out of 5836. Because why must our measurements be so dull all the time?
virtual machine being a pain? time to reboot and go to lunch. #caseOfTheMondays
visual studio apparently woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
RT @Caribou_Coffee: Tweet with #CaribouKnits! Caribou will knit scarves to donate to those impacted by breast cancer. 40 tweets=1 scarf! ht…
Just tried Satisfries. Salty. @ Burger King
I don’t have the right crochet hook to work in my knitting project. Road trips without entertainment are boring.
Car surfing
. @IsItTheGenes is skipping stones under the covered bridge @ Holliwell Covered Bridge
.<a href="…”>@IsItTheGenes ruins the grasshopper’s sun
Just caught a toad. Summer is coming to a close in Iowa.
On the longest covered bridge of Madison County @ Holliwell Covered Bridge
Wine tasting for $2: I’m tipsy.
Excited to visit Fons & Porter’s quilt store, but found out they sold 7 years ago. I still bought an official thimble.
It’s time for an adventure to Madison County!
Iowa at dusk
@JenPioneerPress got an email to update my @MNBlogCon order with blog url/twitter – but not seeing an ‘update’ button in eventbrite. help?
My prizes for yesterday’s team trivia at work… Yes, there is a story to match.
Oil change: time to catch up on dragon breeding
if i were my client, i would have stopped caring about this buggy javascript several hours ago.
display the first 10 li elements in a list, hide the rest & add a button that shows another 10, etc. until all are visible. #tired
apathy levels are at a 8.5 out of 10 today.
I am not adjusting very well to autumn’s dark mornings this year.
Patio lunch on a gorgeous September day @ Lunds Plymouth
Breeding dragons, putting off bedtime
dudes: praying to the javascript gods works!
dear javascript gods, today i could really use some mad skillz. please help a girl out.
ah, that’s why it’s worth the prices at caribou: i’m not good at making coffee.