June 2013
Did you know you can ask for your Sushi Wednesday to come with brown rice? #project365 flic.kr/p/eUVW9u
Prairie Fire Ladies gear up for the next big event! #project365 flic.kr/p/eUJAhF
me to @IsItTheGenes: “i mustache you a question.” him: “what’s that” me: *holds my finger above my lip* “mustache.” i think i’m funny.
i really like @RealSimple but their website is the worst with pop-ups and sponsored ads – so annoying!
My neighbors have pretty flowers instagram.com/p/a9fBVGG08a/
forgot my cardigan at home, office is overly air conditioned. i will burn calories by shivering all day.
RT @thepioneerwoman: How well do you know the whole first-second-third cousin chart? Test your knowledge this morning! http://t.co/LDempri0…
Recommendations for an opt-in form hosted on a plain ol’ HTML website?
Making knit dress tubes for Barbie and Ken! instagram.com/p/a6ltFHG06E/
Bird is the word, Hannie! fb.me/Vx2pwYV4
Bird is the word, Hannie! instagram.com/p/a6RVKBG0_-/
Ampersand relaxing on my shoulder instagram.com/p/a4EVKWG017/
Ampersand relaxing on my hip instagram.com/p/a4EMZMm01o/
Is this Mother Nature’s middle finger to the Twin Cities? instagram.com/p/a3lzf3m07U/
Crazy tsunami in Minneapolis! fb.me/LcIPJjUP
Crazy tsunami in Minneapolis! instagram.com/p/a133IUm0xR/
The co-op is selling @IsItTheGenes! Not for sale!! instagram.com/p/a1s1m0G0-z/
Setting alarm for a 20 minute nap… May become a Friday tradition with the cats this summer.
Five minutes to weekend… Including a short shift at the yarn store!
BIG day for me: i finally have enough stackoverflow points to upvote useful questions and answers!
storm last night woke me up and i thought to myself, “remind me never to sleep inside of a disco ball.”
AND the cat took my spot on the sofa
Spent 10 minutes searching for the fifth dpn because apparently I can’t count to five right now (yes, all five needles were in my lap)
Commence chick flick and knitting
Dinner time chorus fb.me/1KWLC3FQX
Dinner time chorus instagram.com/p/azHOUfG09H/
What, no honking?! fb.me/2H7GT07aP
What, no honking?! @ Gage’s Duck Pond instagram.com/p/ay5tQoG01m/