June 2013
RT @PFLadyChoir: We’re handing out this treat from our sponsor @Peace_Coffee today too! http://t.co/MPJGEM6cun
Pride Parade with my choir! @@PFLadyChoir @ Twin Cities Pride Parade 2013 instagram.com/p/bMJ0LBG00U/
I haven’t had a glass of wine in over a month. Wow, it’s dry. @ Nonna Rosa’s instagram.com/p/bKbqsNG02p/
Afternoon in the hammock instagram.com/p/bJ2CCpG0_y/
Tube cat instagram.com/p/bJqX4dm05q/
Knitting can be addictive! @ Needlework Unlimited instagram.com/p/bHwCZFm04S/
it would just be too darn easy for this jquery statement to just work, wouldn’t it?
The Web Designer’s Idea Book Vol. 3 Giveaway | Codrops tympanus.net/codrops/2013/0… via @codrops
Johnny Depp is 50?! He will never not be attractive.
Kitty snuggles are a good thing. Especially when they can smell the catnip on you.
My cats are going to have a magnificent catnip crop thanks to the seeds I planted last year.
i’ve reached that point in the day when my brain no longer wants to work.
I don’t understand Minnesotans that don’t like going outside during summer.
when editing your website’s code, it is helpeful to also be looking at the correct url to view the revisions. #protip
a couple weeks ago, i couldn’t get enough divs. this week, i want to delete all the divs. web dev is so bipolar.
@hellogrobe it’s always pretty packed, but try for the east side of the street at least – less squinting, more shade!
@ChubbyGirlMafia i bet there is a market for those!
RT @chriscoyier: vertical-align: not doing quite what you want since forever™
@hellogrobe be open to any experience that comes at ya 🙂 & my choir @PFLadyChoir is at about the halfway point of the @TwinCitiesPride!
Aftermath of last week’s storms at the Robbinsdale beehive grill instagram.com/p/bARWLUG04_/
Yeah, I really came just to see the swans up close @ Glen Haven Memorial Gardens instagram.com/p/bAQhPTG03m/
St. Mark @ Glen Haven Memorial Gardens instagram.com/p/bAQYOwm03Z/
Exploring @ Glen Haven Memorial Gardens instagram.com/p/bAPbJ_G01y/
This happened to my street today. #project365 flic.kr/p/eVszU2
Discuss amongst yourselves: the “how happy are Geico customers” TV commercial series is genius. #humpday
enough computer: it’s time for yarn
me and my sweet, gawking at the robbinsdale sinkhole #project365 flic.kr/p/eUW1kJ
second cousins once removed #project365 flic.kr/p/eUVXTJ
i wore some sexy shoes in exchange for O magazines #project365 flic.kr/p/eUVWAY
it is dangerous to have time to browse while working at a yarn store #project365 flic.kr/p/eUVWfA