April 2013
Why wouldn’t I grow asparagus in my garden? I definitely should. #project365 flic.kr/p/efv798
Every now and then I can whip up an amazing dinner: asparagus risotto and Parmesan tilapia instagram.com/p/Yvz4AKG09z/
RT @PFLadyChoir: Trying out a couple of the new song arrangements before introducing them to the full choir. http://t.co/ZT9yfdBkIt
Kitties + David Bowie + (new this year) Prairie Fire Lady Choir! fb.me/16bLPzzVR
Painting instagram.com/p/YtUeYWG04w/
Spring cleaning, feeling more and more at home #project365 flic.kr/p/efgTnY
Eastern Skies Bodywork – Instant Gift Certificates fb.me/1FZjqID9S
I don’t wanna go to bed.
I could be outside, but this dude and I are napping together with the breeze instead. instagram.com/p/Yq7UYHG03c/
It’s like Christmas all over again! #project365 flic.kr/p/eeJ34A
Workshopping my song for the choir! #project365 flic.kr/p/eeJ1uh
My luck lately is incredible – won free tickets to see the Twins! #project365 flic.kr/p/eeHZCw
This is the kind of Spring photos I like to take! #project365 flic.kr/p/eeHYHh
First farmer’s tan of the season!
Purple beer night! @ Old Chicago instagram.com/p/YoEuZ0G0xM/
.@IsItTheGenes Practicing his pitch instagram.com/p/YntZ9Ym06z/
Sitting in my Christmas gift for the first time: portable hammock!
Bloodys on a sunny, SUNNY day! instagram.com/p/YniyLmG04x/
I’m outside! @ Spring Street Tavern instagram.com/p/Ynct7Jm0-D/
First outdoor brunch of the season! (@ Spring Street Tavern w/ 2 others) 4sq.com/Yc6IFe
Ah, the Spring tradition of needing bandages on ankles that aren’t used to being bare.
Downtown Mpls sure is pretty @ Target Field instagram.com/p/YlvF4Km00Y/
Helmet full of garlic fries. My seat neighbors probably hate me right now but YUM @ Legend’s Club instagram.com/p/Ylt4yNG0yx/
Lovely day for a ballgame! @ Target Field instagram.com/p/YlgY_am0w8/
Windows open, bird stalking in progress instagram.com/p/YlWhhkm0xc/
Open ALL the windows! Spring in Minnesota is GO!
Kudos from my boss today: “You’re thinking like a person who cares deeply about the front end–which is really good.”
I LOVE CSS. there, i said it.