Amy @pork_CHOP
Minneapolis |

July 2011

I hung two nyjer seed feeders and a suet feeders in my new yard. do i want to hang more? that’s my current internal conversation.

5:34pm 31 Jul 2011

Instead of Moose and Squirrel, we have Bunny and Squirrel.

4:39pm 31 Jul 2011

blog posted: Yesterday’s Tweets

12:12pm 31 Jul 2011

  • blog posted: Yesterday's Tweets #
  • spent the night in new house with central a/c=awesome. just woke up from nap in apartment w/out a/c=uugh why did i leave the central a/c?! #
  • why is that nothing is better than cold beer and pizza during moving? #
  • Ellipses holds down the Besta Jagra, the one piece of furniture I need to move today #
  • holy crap, stairs. thank you for the reminder of why it's worth the money to hire professional movers! #
  • I'm officially committing to this moving thing: just hooked up my Wii to Jason's tv. There's no turning back now… #

7:11am 31 Jul 2011

I’m officially committing to this moving thing: just hooked up my Wii to Jason’s tv. There’s no turning back now…

4:23am 31 Jul 2011

holy crap, stairs. thank you for the reminder of why it’s worth the money to hire professional movers!

12:32am 31 Jul 2011

Ellipses holds down the Besta Jagra, the one piece of furniture I need to move today

12:01am 31 Jul 2011

why is that nothing is better than cold beer and pizza during moving?

11:40pm 30 Jul 2011

spent the night in new house with central a/c=awesome. just woke up from nap in apartment w/out a/c=uugh why did i leave the central a/c?!

9:50pm 30 Jul 2011

blog posted: Yesterday’s Tweets

12:15pm 30 Jul 2011

  • blog posted: Yesterday's Tweets #
  • dear my blog, i've told you not to post my silly twitter archives. why do you continue to do so? sincerely, me. #
  • is flexible web design just a part of responsive web design? or are they more equal than that? #
  • Is there a rewards program here? @ Pump N Munch #
  • A special evening with my sweetie and Cloud Cult @ Orchestra Hall #
  • Before we got here, I learned that I either wasn't paying attention, or I've never seen the beginning of Back to the Future. #
  • Raise your hand if you cried during the Cloud Cult show! *raises hand* *twice* but so, so good… #
  • Also, for some reason I came out of the show with ABBA in my head. Thanks, @bertine. #
  • These seats are so awesome. (Thanks, Mary!) #
  • Caroline Smith: love the voice, love the hair #
  • Thank you for an excellent night, Cloud Cult #
  • Post-party with friends. I'm so thirsty! @ Leaning Tower of Pizza #
  • 2-4-1's! I'm still awake! And I'm not even at home yet! Wow! #

7:11am 30 Jul 2011

Post-party with friends. I’m so thirsty! @ Leaning Tower of Pizza

4:24am 30 Jul 2011

Thank you for an excellent night, Cloud Cult

4:11am 30 Jul 2011

Caroline Smith: love the voice, love the hair

3:46am 30 Jul 2011

These seats are so awesome. (Thanks, Mary!)

3:45am 30 Jul 2011

Also, for some reason I came out of the show with ABBA in my head. Thanks, @bertine.

3:43am 30 Jul 2011

Raise your hand if you cried during the Cloud Cult show! *raises hand* *twice* but so, so good…

3:42am 30 Jul 2011

Before we got here, I learned that I either wasn’t paying attention, or I’ve never seen the beginning of Back to the Future.

12:58am 30 Jul 2011

A special evening with my sweetie and Cloud Cult @ Orchestra Hall

12:33am 30 Jul 2011

Is there a rewards program here? @ Pump N Munch

11:59pm 29 Jul 2011

is flexible web design just a part of responsive web design? or are they more equal than that?

1:28pm 29 Jul 2011

dear my blog, i’ve told you not to post my silly twitter archives. why do you continue to do so? sincerely, me.

12:34pm 29 Jul 2011

blog posted: Yesterday’s Tweets

12:12pm 29 Jul 2011

7:11am 29 Jul 2011

@INukeYou well, better safe than sorry… we don’t want to deal with any cheaters!

3:59am 29 Jul 2011

@INukeYou i work for a company that delivers those exams & you’d be surprised what sort of gadgets can be hiding in jewelry. security, man.

3:42am 29 Jul 2011

@Bentfoot42 thanks!

3:40am 29 Jul 2011

Xerxes, the handsome cat, and his fork

3:03am 29 Jul 2011

Minneapolis is awesome

3:01am 29 Jul 2011

this is an idea i wouldn’t have reached on my own: side job at a liquor store. too bad i’m moving in about a month…

10:34pm 28 Jul 2011