February 2011
- It's like a got a whole new bouquet http://post.ly/1gCJ7 #
- a harry potter musical would rock my world! #oscars #
- @xbryanx i'm so glad someone else is irritated by that typeface, too in reply to xbryanx #
- blog posted: Finished Object: Knitting for Charity Project #1 http://bit.ly/g1a5sG #
- Trying to pick up a couple honeymooners @ MSP Terminal 2 – Humphrey http://gowal.la/c/3DnJ5 #
- Does the airport ever slow down? #
- Dropping off charity cap with the MN Rollergirls! @ Crafty Planet http://gowal.la/c/3CSet #
- Medicine for my sick dude @ Walgreens http://gowal.la/c/3CSZ2 #
- Dropped off charity cap & picked up more yarn for another http://post.ly/1fy3F #
- Can't resist cupcakes @ The Wedge Co-op http://gowal.la/c/3CW2c #
- Oh, hello cheap malbec @ Hum's Liqour http://gowal.la/c/3CW2Z #
- @juliaschrenkler hi! you work with my good friend, mary, and i'm looking forward to meeting you/hearing you at minnewebcon 🙂 #
- woke up from a dream that was taking place on saturday morning. #
- Beverage buffet! http://post.ly/1fZMA #
- i sorta love my new phone headset. it's nerdy but it keeps my hands free! #
- i'm excited about my promotion – it's all official today! 🙂 #
- the buffet day continues: cheese and crackers, and two kinds of soup! yay for people, sharing their food. #
- Only got a little bottle if champagne to celebrate myself since Jason is sick http://post.ly/1fhft #
- bubbles went to my head! whee, i'm fabulous! #
- @charva thanks! from lowly web designer to associate user interface designer! i have a lot of new stuff to learn in reply to charva #
- Cheeseburger Cheeseburger Cheeseburger — at Chili's http://gowal.la/c/3BYH1 #
- @B_Knowles i'm gonna you follow you now, 'kay? #
- the last.fm app just found 2,800+ songs on my ipod to scrobble – dating all the way back to 2008. software update might be messed up… #
- dudes, i'm eating a fun dip. #
- sorta want a bodymedia fit after seeing a report on @kare11 http://bit.ly/eFOpEp #
- Just tagging along — at Southdale Center http://gowal.la/c/3Bu9x #
- shoveled the driveway in under an hour so i could drink wine and watch glee sooner http://post.ly/1f8Oz #
- what *was* a scarf 4 years in the making, only took one night to rip apart… round 2 will be 100x better. http://flic.kr/p/9kDjaU #
- did not realize that i've already been liking cee lo for a while 'til i just turned on gnarls barkley #
- National Drink a Margarita Day! — at Pepito's http://gowal.la/c/3Be8b #
- Yummmm — photo at Pepito's http://gowal.la/c/3Be8b #
- Digesting my enchilada — at Manfort http://gowal.la/c/3BfaU #
- Somebody was pretending that he didn't care about getting attention http://post.ly/1ebMM #
- Bought some cheese in Mpls that reminded me I still need to write about my trip to New England http://post.ly/1ebSF #
- 2nd attempt at knitting a hat went much better than 1st http://post.ly/1ebT2 #
- gotta block this hat before i start thinking about another project. i'm CrAzY for knitting this winter! #
- but how do i go about blocking a hat that has lace trim? #lazyweb #knitting #
- Knit, knit, knit… I keep poking myself. http://post.ly/1eIK9 #
- Mary and Jason are finally meeting! — at Maria's Cafe http://gowal.la/c/3zUtN #
- Valentine's Day just keeps goin'! http://post.ly/1dyrh #
- Jason: "that house is too big, 5 bedrooms…" me: "not if we fill it with BABIES." Jason: "…" #
- Sio is finally comfortable http://post.ly/1dzPG #
- Back for more Steve Clarke and desserts — at Pardon My French http://gowal.la/c/3A442 #
- This place is hoppin'… at least we've gotten our wine. Where's the food? #
- Special thanks to Dave and Jackie, who let us share their table as they finished their wine. Nice people do exist! #
- Woah blinded by Jason's camera flash! Thanks, sweetie #
- High-dee-high-dee-hide-dee-ho! #
- Steve Clarke tells us a story about Minnie the Moocher http://post.ly/1e2o9 #
- Out f passion cake, but this pistachio whats-it is a good replacement http://post.ly/1e2pm #
- @dchill088 you know she was! in reply to dchill088 #
- we're pretty good at eugoogoolizing, too @StanGrabowski @pork_chop Can you both read good too? Or do other stuff good? #
- shoulda brought the wine to work today #
- now is the time of day when i start talking to myself. out loud. #
- my mister met me at my house tonight for dinner & surprised me with a new digital photo frame! i've been explaining each photo all night. #
- yum! RT @CafeLurcat_MN Retweet for a chance to win 1 of 2 $50 gift cards we're giving out today. #datenightgiveaway http://bit.ly/dWlbA4 #
- Punch Pizza had a line out the door 🙁 — at Wendy's http://gowal.la/c/3yZbg #
- Should the kitties try a gluten-free diet? — at PetsMart http://gowal.la/c/3z5Xe #
- The contents on my trunk speak volumes about my priorities http://post.ly/1dTWz #
- Me and Lucas are really, really good looking http://post.ly/1dTlV #
- Tastefully simple to get in my belly! http://post.ly/1dU3T #
- Finally gettin to eat some Tastefully Simple products, want one of each #camehungry #
- I'm such a sucker. #
- Green beans and Cheetos for lunch… that's just how I roll. http://post.ly/1d7fr #
- no, illustrator, i really didn't need to work on this file. you just take your time loading, okay? #
- seriously, illustrator. i'm going to kick you in the teeth. #
- i really did not want to take this computer home for the night. sigh. at least there is a bottle of wine there… #
- turns out: if i had just been working on my home compy, i'd've had this project done hours earlier: illustrator no likey the work network? #
- time to pour the wine! #
- i paused for glee and knitting. now back to irritation with illustration, but now with a bettie page movie on my tv. #
- bum bum! time for mariska and ice-t #
- My fortune cookie tells me that I should buy more fortune cookies. #
- Must resist clearance Valentine's Day stuff — at Target – Bloomington http://gowal.la/c/3yfa3 #
- trying to ignore that sinking feeling, preparing valentines covered with puppies and kitties to pass out tonight #
- I'm ready for a VD Party! — at Manfort http://gowal.la/c/3ymWq #
- Valentine exchange! http://post.ly/1cy9K #
- fun night, but now i'm home and thinking about going to bed. i hope to be un-grumpy tomorrow. #
- too young to be so tired #
- This note ensures that every day is Valentine's Day in my house http://post.ly/1cYZK #
- has it been a long day when someone telling me "arigato" makes me smile like a crazy person? (yes.) #
- Breaking in to leave surprise gifts for Valentine's Day?! He's a keeper 🙂 http://post.ly/1cg33 #
- who has two thumbs and is feeling super-duper-schmoopy about her wdonerfully sweet boyfriend right now? @pork_chop! #
- @charva i want to get all of these valentines for you http://www.brandonbird.com/blog/12/mini-valentines #
- @charva i think cherry cordials would be the best candy to accompany them in reply to charva #
- the only things that could make this a better valentine's day night would be to have jason here (he's at work)… and a #heartshapedpizza #
- @charva and ice-t!! in reply to charva #
- i feel like vacuuming my entire apartment today #
- Car wash! — at Holiday Stationstore – Columbia Heights http://gowal.la/c/3xvtu #
- Cleeeeeean — photo at Holiday Stationstore – Columbia Heights http://gowal.la/c/3xvtu #
- even if it's only a brief period of flinging windows open, the best part is watching the kitties get sniffs of the outside world #
- whole house vacuumed – furniture moved around and all! ampersand is so glad i'm done with that now. #
- Totally feeling Spring-y http://post.ly/1cLl4 #
- As if to say "what now?" http://post.ly/1cMkv #
- no red carpet on tv for the grammys? or just starting a little later? #
- i find it much easier to write css than to write a blog post #
- redesigned my little web world while listening to the grammys tonight: http://www.pork-chop.org/blog/ #
- I think Cupid is keeping me awake. #
- Cupid also sounds very much like a Siamese I know… #
- i think it's time for optimism and a car wash #
- Kitties enjoying a briefly-opened window…35 degrees out! http://post.ly/1c3ma #
- i've been terrible about remembering to wear my tooth-hole retainer. i just put it in and i'm not sure it's going to come back out… #
- took a caturday nap… now feeling very sluggish. #
- Wine, M&M's and talking about boys… must be girls' night! http://post.ly/1cA3L #
- Lazy — at Caribou Coffee http://gowal.la/c/3wvw9 #
- Tonight's theme is "in" – we stayed IN with INception and now INvictus. #
- I lol'd… then ate cookies. http://post.ly/1bTKa #
- tomorrow i actually have overlapping meetings, i'm just that popular. #
- my blood type is like my attitude: be positive. #
- fact: you do not want me to be in charge of cooking the frozen pizza. #burnedeverytime #
- ipads everywhere. where is mine? (just spotted in dr. derek shepherd's lap) #
- tonight is the first time my ice pack has come out of the freezer since i moved here. a year and a half ago. #painintheneck #
- <3 lurcat RT @CafeLurcat_MN RT for a chance to win 1 of 2 $50 gift cards we're giving out today. #datenightgiveaways http://bit.ly/dWlbA4 #
- i'm planning to go! RT @MinneWebCon … registration is now open! http://www.minnewebcon.umn.edu/ #
- for the ladies (and the dudes who love them): 4 Things I Learned From Being a Sex Columnist | BlogHer http://bit.ly/gMV4lB #
- Every day can't be the best day. Do what you can right now, don't hesitate. #atmosphere #
- paula abdul dance party in my living room! #
- bills paid, facebook family feud played, now time to wash the dishes… then… bed… i suppose… #
- blog posted: Oldies http://bit.ly/gVfw68 #
- Picking up dinner — at Chipotle http://gowal.la/c/3vA39 #
- seems the headache is here to stay #
- remember how i never blogged about my trip to new england last fall? i intend to rectify that this week. http://flic.kr/p/9gpXD6 #
- I missed this photo last night http://post.ly/1adxR #
- Just when I was beginning to doubt Velcro's existance… http://post.ly/1adyd #
- dang, i hate tweeting a spelling error #oops #
- @barryschwartze he's at home! but i didn't know where he was 'til he came out to eat. in reply to barryschwartze #
- wow, annoying. (aka i know, tho too late) RT @MomyWatch @pork_chop existEnce no A but an E http://naza.be/9odNDX http://bit.ly/e20cQm #
- @barryschwartze oh, naturally. but he hasn't been hissing from on high like usual – just from chair instead. progress? i got closer today. in reply to barryschwartze #
- blocked my first foot-fetishist-photo-favoriter on flickr, whee. gross. #
- @wonderkaryn mew mew tower! in reply to wonderkaryn #
- naps are awesome, but i should probably stop taking them at 8:30 p.m. #
- Where's the gumbo? — at Bertine & Zach's http://gowal.la/c/3uSDf #
- Chips and dip are one of the best reasons to attend to a super bowl party #
- Super Bowl Crowd #2 http://post.ly/1aMTM #
- Happy Gumbo Chef http://post.ly/1aMZc #
- Need More Commercial Watching http://post.ly/1aMdb #
- Football? Anyone? http://post.ly/1aMgI #
- Football is boring, but conversations about football are even more boring. I should be sitting near the other girls. #
- I want a Super Bowl pin from @gowalla — at Powderhorn Park http://gowal.la/c/3uUuR #
- Seafood Gumbo almost ready http://post.ly/1aNQ1 #
- Story time with Aunt Kristi http://post.ly/1a5X7 #
- My weird niece http://post.ly/1a6KE #
- @sparkleforlife your firecracker #CharityDiamonds are super cute – the light blue ones are gorgeous #
- I subscribed to casiestewart's channel on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/user/casiestewart?feature=autoshare #
- Thanks, kitty. Thanks, Neosporin. http://post.ly/1a95S #
- What?! Not eating lunch at my desk? — at Olive Garden http://gowal.la/c/3tzBB #
- need to do tonite: change cat litter, make hot dish for party tomorrow nite. but? ampersand is on my legs & i have a glass of wine. #
- in other words: why would i leave this comfort? #
- blog posted: Jazz and French Pastries http://bit.ly/gx9CMd #
- how can i be receiving email but can't send email through the same server? stupid email. #
- my email isn't broken, but entourage says it is. blah. #
- things cooking: hot dish (in hot oven), litter box (in hot bath) #
- yum, mary just emailed and reminded me about this avocado salsa that made a summer magical http://www.pork-chop.org/blog/in-the-kitchen/ #
- Bluuuuue http://post.ly/1YyEt #
- Sunset was really beautiful tonight, you'll have to trust me http://post.ly/1YyL8 #
- I'm gonna drink the whole bottle! http://post.ly/1YyLY #