Amy @pork_CHOP
Minneapolis |

April 2009

15:56 Shared by supervisor: – I love the use of <big><big><big></big></big></big> in the source code. #

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5:10am 30 Apr 2009

14:00 posted: Want to live in Uptown Minneapolis? ( #

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5:10am 27 Apr 2009

12:31 posted: Favorite Burger ( #

23:19 at turf club to see me & my arrow #

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5:10am 26 Apr 2009

10:16 @best_day_ever i thought i deleted my account, but i get some error every time. the site is frustrating me. #

11:26 @foursquare at least i was able to test the "delete me" button for you. getting an error. #

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5:10am 11 Apr 2009

17:29 I’m at View Restaurant. #

19:33 about to experience a "pirates of caljoun." first ingredient: "lots o’ rum" #

21:02 officially over foursquare, almost as quick as i was with dodgeball. #

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5:10am 10 Apr 2009

17:10 sushi nom nom (at crave) #

19:11 "um, so are we supposed to learn things?" #

20:59 vani has lost all interest. #

21:40 richard gere is here. vani thinks he’s angsty. in certain situations. add an em tag there, where you will. #

22:37 @kir326 not seriously, but kinda. really looked like him. i meant to ask someone who might know… #

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5:10am 8 Apr 2009

21:37 I’m at lucias wine bar. #

00:16 drinking wine is almost like going dancing in that i enjoy both immensely #

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5:10am 4 Apr 2009

15:57 Happy to work for the company that certifies awesome Adobe instructors! via @ShareThis #

16:48 stoked about my photo credit in this week’s @CityPages for salon saloon on april 7 now off to find a hard copy… #

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5:10am 2 Apr 2009

06:56 another reason to buy a house: housemates provide too much competition for hot water during the a.m. shower. #

08:32 i should’ve noted: *current* housemates provide too much competition… buying a house would mean i would have all the hot water to myself. #

08:34 forgot ipod again. i really should get some headphones to keep at work. #

11:47 i love salsa. too much, sometimes. #

23:15 shared by @avgjanecrafter — thanks – so much inspiration! #

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5:10am 1 Apr 2009